Volume 14 Issue 4
Apr.  2024
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Article Contents
Nian-nian Li, Deng-xing Lun, Ningning Gong, Gang Meng, Xin-ying Du, He Wang, Xiangxiang Bao, Xin-yang Li, Ji-wu Song, Kewei Hu, Lala Li, Si-ying Li, Wenbo Liu, Wanping Zhu, Yunlong Zhang, Jikai Li, Ting Yao, Leming Mou, Xiaoqing Han, Furong Hao, Yongcheng Hu, Lin Liu, Hongguang Zhu, Yuyun Wu, Bin Liu. Targeting the chromatin structural changes of antitumor immunity[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2024, 14(4): 100905. doi: 10.1016/j.jpha.2023.11.012
Citation: Nian-nian Li, Deng-xing Lun, Ningning Gong, Gang Meng, Xin-ying Du, He Wang, Xiangxiang Bao, Xin-yang Li, Ji-wu Song, Kewei Hu, Lala Li, Si-ying Li, Wenbo Liu, Wanping Zhu, Yunlong Zhang, Jikai Li, Ting Yao, Leming Mou, Xiaoqing Han, Furong Hao, Yongcheng Hu, Lin Liu, Hongguang Zhu, Yuyun Wu, Bin Liu. Targeting the chromatin structural changes of antitumor immunity[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2024, 14(4): 100905. doi: 10.1016/j.jpha.2023.11.012

Targeting the chromatin structural changes of antitumor immunity

doi: 10.1016/j.jpha.2023.11.012

This study was supported by the Startup Foundation for Junior Faculty, Nankai University (Grant No.: 63191439), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.: 32100418 and 3210040345), The Health Commission Foundation of China (Grant No.: 2018ZX10712001-017) and the Chongqing Medical College Natural Fund (Grant Nos.: ygz2019302 and ygz2019305).

  • Received Date: Jun. 16, 2023
  • Accepted Date: Nov. 21, 2023
  • Rev Recd Date: Sep. 28, 2023
  • Publish Date: Nov. 29, 2023
  • Epigenomic imbalance drives abnormal transcriptional processes, promoting the onset and progression of cancer. Although defective gene regulation generally affects carcinogenesis and tumor suppression networks, tumor immunogenicity and immune cells involved in antitumor responses may also be affected by epigenomic changes, which may have significant implications for the development and application of epigenetic therapy, cancer immunotherapy, and their combinations. Herein, we focus on the impact of epigenetic regulation on tumor immune cell function and the role of key abnormal epigenetic processes, DNA methylation, histone post-translational modification, and chromatin structure in tumor immunogenicity, and introduce these epigenetic research methods. We emphasize the value of small-molecule inhibitors of epigenetic modulators in enhancing antitumor immune responses and discuss the challenges of developing treatment plans that combine epigenetic therapy and immunotherapy through the complex interaction between cancer epigenetics and cancer immunology.
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