Review Policy

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All papers are double-blind peer-reviewed. Each paper is assigned to at least three referees. Minimum two detailed referee reports are needed to make a final decision on the paper. The referees evaluate the papers according to the following criteria:

1. Quality

Does the paper reflect excellence of research work? Is it technically sound?

2. Originality

Does the paper provide a novel approach? Does it discuss new/unpublished work? Does it contain significant additional material to that already published (for research papers only, not applicable for review papers or short communication)?

3. Clarity

Does the paper clearly communicate its message? Are tables and figures clear to read and labeled appropriately?

4. Relevance

How well does the content fit the journal’s aims and the issue’s theme? Is the paper of interest to the readership of the journal?

5. References

Does the paper contain the appropriate references to provide adequate context for the present work?

6. Overall recommendation

Is the overall recommendation for this paper to “major revisions”, “minor revision”, “accept”, or “reject”?

7. Reviewer familiarity

Reviewers are assigned based on their familiarity with topic of the paper.

8. Plagiarism

All papers submitted for review are also scanned for plagiarism. Those papers where plagiarism is detected will not be considered for publication. Manuscript with similarity check result of higher or equal to 30% will also be rejected.

9. Editorial & Publication Procedure:

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