Volume 10 Issue 6
Dec.  2020
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Article Contents
Tiantian Zuo, Chunxia Zhang, Weiwei Li, Hongda Wang, Ying Hu, Wenzhi Yang, Li Jia, Xiaoyan Wang, Xiumei Gao, Dean Guo. Offline two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with ion mobility-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry enabling four-dimensional separation and characterization of the multicomponents from white ginseng and red ginseng[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2020, 10(6): 597-609. doi: 10.1016/j.jpha.2019.11.001
Citation: Tiantian Zuo, Chunxia Zhang, Weiwei Li, Hongda Wang, Ying Hu, Wenzhi Yang, Li Jia, Xiaoyan Wang, Xiumei Gao, Dean Guo. Offline two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with ion mobility-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry enabling four-dimensional separation and characterization of the multicomponents from white ginseng and red ginseng[J]. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2020, 10(6): 597-609. doi: 10.1016/j.jpha.2019.11.001

Offline two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with ion mobility-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry enabling four-dimensional separation and characterization of the multicomponents from white ginseng and red ginseng

doi: 10.1016/j.jpha.2019.11.001

This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 81872996), the State Key Research and Development Project (Grant No. 2017YFC1702104), the State Key Project for the Creation of Major New Drugs (2018ZX09711001-009-010), and the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission Research Project (Grant No. 2017ZD07).

  • Received Date: Jul. 22, 2019
  • Accepted Date: Nov. 01, 2019
  • Rev Recd Date: Sep. 05, 2019
  • Available Online: Jan. 24, 2022
  • Publish Date: Dec. 10, 2020
  • Inherent complexity of plant metabolites necessitates the use of multi-dimensional information to accomplish comprehensive profiling and confirmative identification. A dimension-enhanced strategy, by offline two-dimensional liquid chromatography/ion mobility-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2D-LC/IM-QTOF-MS) enabling four-dimensional separations (2D-LC, IM, and MS), is proposed. In combination with in-house database-driven automated peak annotation, this strategy was utilized to characterize ginsenosides simultaneously from white ginseng (WG) and red ginseng (RG). An offline 2D-LC system configuring an Xbridge Amide column and an HSS T3 column showed orthogonality 0.76 in the resolution of ginsenosides. Ginsenoside analysis was performed by data-independent high-definition MSE (HDMSE) in the negative ESI mode on a Vion™ IMS-QTOF hybrid high-resolution mass spectrometer, which could better resolve ginsenosides than MSE and directly give the CCS information. An in-house ginsenoside database recording 504 known ginsenosides and 58 reference compounds, was established to assist the identification of ginsenosides. Streamlined workflows, by applying UNIFI™ to automatedly annotate the HDMSE data, were proposed. We could separate and characterize 323 ginsenosides (including 286 from WG and 306 from RG), and 125 thereof may have not been isolated from the Panax genus. The established 2D-LC/IM-QTOF-HDMSE approach could also act as a magnifier to probe differentiated components between WG and RG. Compared with conventional approaches, this dimension-enhanced strategy could better resolve coeluting herbal components and more efficiently, more reliably identify the multicomponents, which, we believe, offers more possibilities for the systematic exposure and confirmative identification of plant metabolites.
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